Love is not just a feeling, it’s an emotion. But over the years, people have twisted the idea of love and romance and have totally mixed up the concept of dating and courting. This is probably why a vast majority of present generation individuals suffer from heartbreaks or are unable to cope up with the depression it follows. If you’re one of those who can’t seem to hold on to a partner for a long time, jumping from one relationship to another seeking solace, you’re not alone. But if you’re single and want to start a relationship, think twice before you decide which you to go. Are you dating or courting? Or you’re going to blend the two? We help you understand the differences between the two to help you make an informed decision in making better choices of partners for relationships.

What is Courting?
Courting, or courtship, is a relationship between a man and a woman in its early development stage wherein they get to know each other and develop a deep relationship so that they could purposefully explore the possibility of marriage. Courting is about developing a deep bond to ensure the relationship has a clearly defined direction and it’s going just the right way. Courting prioritizes the mental connection over anything else by getting to know each other, thereby capitalizing on emotions. The meaning of the term may sound outdated to many modern-day couples in this modern world. Even the term itself brings back the memories of their grandparents being chaperoned by their parents and mentors seeking blessings from the almighty God. Courting is not a decision, but a choice that puts emotional closeness over temptation and preserves sexual contact for marriage alone. But over time, the concept of courting has faded and replaced by modern-day dating culture.
What is Dating?
Dating is a modern-day courtship culture, except it’s a stage of romantic relationship where the couples meet socially to see if they stand a chance to be around each other. Some would prefer dating to hooking up, but that’s more like when a guy and a girl meet each other looking for a physical encounter and do not expect anything. You could say dating is a form of courtship that takes place in a society where it takes place in a free market. You definitely have heard the phrase “I am dating someone…” like a million times, which is very common now-a-days, except there’s a grey area that follows it around. Dating has become more of a trend that defines everything from hooking up to being in relationship, which makes it a difficult term to navigate. The definition of dating varies for everyone; dating could mean you’re seeing someone occasionally or you’re going on dates exploring relationships or you’re dating someone specific and it’s serious.

Difference between Courting and Dating
– Courting, or courtship, is a relationship between a man and a woman in its early development stage wherein they get to know each other and develop a deep relationship so that they could purposefully explore the possibility of marriage. Dating, on the other hand, is a modern-day relationship trend, a stage where the couples meet socially or regularly to see if they stand a chance to be around each other. The meaning of dating varies for everyone: dating could mean you’re seeing someone occasionally or you’re going on dates or you’re dating someone specific and it’s serious.
– Courting cultivates a deep sense of emotional closeness which is not really the scene around dating because in dating, people tend to withhold their emotions pretty well for many reasons. Dating is more of a modern-day trend that defines everything from hooking up to being in relationship, which makes it a difficult term to navigate. For some, dating is purely physical so they do not feel anything. In fact, it is a form of courtship but without the emotional part. Courtship is developing a deep relationship before getting married.
– Sexual intimacy is very common in the modern-day dating culture. In fact, most couples in the dating scene would have sex within the first few encounters or even after their first date. They would prefer sexual intimacy over emotional intimacy with no strings attached. However, many people believe developing a relationship involves growing intimacy which is mostly sexual and part emotional or both. Even men and women use each other only for physical gratification, but not necessarily. Courtship, on the other hand, strictly follows a ‘no sex’ policy before marriage; in fact, it preserves sexual contact for marriage only.

– The purpose of courting is commitment; it involves getting to know each other by spending time with each other with a prospect of getting married. Courtship is like a promise to make a commitment to marriage. Courtship is a commitment to honor God’s will as you seek a partner for life with blessings from parents and mentors and under the protection of God. In contrast, dating does not account for readiness of marriage with no long-term commitment whatsoever. Instead, couples date for mostly fun and enjoying physical adventures, while to some, dating is a prerequisite to a long-term relationship or not.
Courting and Dating: Comparison Chart
Courting is about developing a deep bond to ensure the relationship has a clearly defined direction and it’s going just the right way. Courtship is all about commitment and accountability; it is a commitment to honor God’s will as you seek a partner for life. In contrast, dating is a strictly no commitment policy but with a little chance of long-term relationship. Courtship is about getting to know each other and developing a deep relationship before getting married whereas dating is mostly physical with no strings attached and no emotional intimacy.