According to Online Dating Statistics & Facts, a website that analyzes online dating, 91 million people around the world use mobile apps to find love, but many don’t make it to a date. China is no exception in the Internet-rich country.

According to Chinese market research firm Avery Consulting, China’s online dating industry accounted for 54.4 percent of the overall dating market in 2018, with market revenue reaching nearly 5 billion yuan. But the number of successful matches is small.

Zoe Strimpel is a historian at the University of Sussex (UK) and author of The Man Diet. She and Suzie Hayman, a relationship counselor, have gathered some dating tips that may help you get the right kind of attention in online dating.

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1. Don’t date for the sake of dating

If you don’t like it, stop. If you don’t like the person, don’t see them again.

Trying to be together doesn’t work, it tires us out physically and mentally and triggers negative feelings towards each other.


2. Trust your instincts

If you’ve felt at some point that a relationship isn’t working out, take it seriously.

We always think, “It’s my fault.” In fact, it could be the other person’s fault.


3. recent studies have shown that the less text messaging, the better

Talking to hundreds of people at once and texting with all your potential dates in a week can lead to cognitive burnout.

It’s recommended that you invest the time you spend texting and chatting with the people you like to climb on board with, the ones who seem the most promising.


4. dating is a numbers game, go to the most crowded places

Image with annotated text.
A dating convention in Hebei Province, China

Avoid dating programs that are only used by a handful of people, use the ones that are used by the most people.

Dating is a numbers game, and to get the gold out of the sand, you first have to become a grain of sand. Don’t believe the booksellers when they say to look for answers in books. There are no answers in books! There are no shortcuts to dating.


5. Start with friends

Starting as friends and slowly dating to become partners is how the best relationships tend to happen.

Of course, maybe a new friend will introduce you to a potential partner.


6. Flexibility in treating people
Two young women, best friends, smiling and hugging on the street.Image source,GETTY IMAGES

When it comes to relationships, friendship is an excellent starting point

You think you know what attracts you, but ……

If you narrow it down too much, you may miss out on the one who really snaps at the door of your heart, and that person may very well not fit the scope and conditions you previously envisioned.


7. Be careful

One of the downsides of online matchmaking is that you and the other person don’t cross paths and know nothing about each other.

If it doesn’t click, accept this reality.

Anyone who asks their new date for money or constantly stands each other up should cut off contact.

Don’t let your emotions get the best of you and go up and down.

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